Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pink and Say

Pink and Say
Author and Illustrator: Patrica Polacco
Genre: Historical Fiction

This book is set against the back drop of the Civil War. The story is told through the point of view of a young white boy named Say. Say is an injured Union soldier who has been left behind and thinks he is going to die. Luckily however a boy his own age named Pink finds him and brings him to safety. Pink is the color of "polished mahogany" and unlike anyone Say has ever known. Pink brings Say to his mother's house where the are both able to heal, rest, and form a never ending friendship. During their time together Pink teaches Say many things and forever changes his life. He teaches him about bravery, friendship, and fighting for what you believe in. He even offers to teach him how to read one day. The boys decided to rejoin the war once they have fully recovered because they were putting Pink's mama, who lived in Confederate territory, in jeopardy. On the day of their departure however, marauders paid a visit to their house. Read this story to see what happens to these two young boys.

Making the Connection:
This is a powerful book (I personally cried) that will be loved by anyone who reads it. It is a terrific book to use if you are covering the Civil War in history. Before reading this book to your class it would be a good idea to have your students complete a KWL chart about the Civil War. When you do begin reading this book to your students, have them write down words or phrases from the story that they think describes the Civil War. After completing this book students can easily transition into conducting their own research of the Civil War. While doing their own research have students keep adding words and phrases to the list that they started when you initially read them Pink and Say. After your students have a long enough list, split them into groups where they will begin to compile an ABC book of the Civil War. Besides giving students insight to the Civil War, Pink and Say also sends a great message to students about the power of friendship.

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