Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Stories Julian Tells

The Stories Julian Tells
Author: Ann Cameron
Illustrator: Ann Strugnell
Genre: Fiction

This book is made up of six chapters and each chapter tells a story about a little boy named Julian. The first story describes the time that Julian's dad made the most perfect pudding. After finishing the pudding, Julian's dad asks Julian and his little brother Huey to guard it. If you finish this chapter you can figure out what goes wrong when Julian and Huey are on guard duty. Another chapter in the book describes the time when Julian convinced his younger brother the catalogs were magical books that when opened released a bunch of gardening cats. This book is a short read that is nothing short of comical. Read The Stories Julian Tells to find out what kind of trouble Julian's over active imagination gets him into.

Making the Connection:
This book is a great story to share with your students when you are trying to incorporate more chapter books in the classroom. This book also provides a lot of fun writing opportunities. For example after reading this story you could have your students write about one of their craziest childhood memories. You could also have your students pay close attention to the chapter when Julian describes making a wishing kite, and have them write about what they would wish for.

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